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The Latest in Advanced Plumbing Technology

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Advanced Plumbing Technology

Technological advancements occur constantly and impact almost every industry. These advancements have also shown up in the plumbing industry. The latest technological innovations focus on smart functionality and machine learning to provide plumbers and customers with better and more efficient solutions. In this guide, you’ll discover the most advanced plumbing technology making waves in the industry.

Leak Detection Systems

Among the most common plumbing issues in Los Angeles are pipe cracks and breaks. This type of plumbing problem is highly expensive to fix. Along with repairing the damaged section of the plumbing system, you’ll also need to pay to repair or replace aspects of your home that have sustained water damage. If the leak isn’t detected quickly, everything from furniture to building materials can become saturated in water.

The latest leak detection systems allow homeowners to immediately identify when a leak has occurred. These systems are available from numerous manufacturers and can be installed by a plumber in Los Angeles. A water leak detection system can tell you when a leak takes place by monitoring water flow and usage. Some of these systems will even shut off the water when a leak is detected, which keeps damage to a minimum.

Plumbers are also able to identify leaks quickly thanks to advanced plumbing technology. The use of infrared cameras makes it possible to find the crack or other issue that’s causing the leak. These cameras allow plumbers to find moisture in non-visible locations, which means they can detect and eliminate mold before it spreads.

Smart Irrigation Units

Over the past decade, advanced plumbing technology has shifted to focus on smart functionality. This type of technology has been introduced to irrigation systems as well. Homeowners with installed smart irrigation units have more precise control over their sprinkler systems. Once you download an app on your smartphone, you can remotely set weekly watering schedules and sprinkler timers. You can even monitor the amount of water your home consumes.

Greywater Recycling Systems

Greywater systems are becoming increasingly popular because of their affordability and Eco-friendly nature. These systems make it possible to conserve water. Otherwise, even simple actions can waste water. Whenever you flush the toilet or take a shower, you’ll use up a lot of water.

A large amount of the water you use in your home is greywater, meaning it’s possible to reuse it. You can effectively reuse water from washing machines and bathtubs by installing a greywater plumbing system. All contaminants are removed from the water by treating and filtering it.

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Advanced Plumbing Technology

Smart Fixtures

You can replace your kitchen faucet or shower head with a smart fixture that conserves water, saves money, and protects the environment. These fixtures can also track the amount of water you use.

The most modern systems tell you about problems that might cause you to consume too much water. A couple of additional features you should be on the lookout for include overflow protection and self-cleaning functionality. If you decide to switch to smart fixtures, request plumbing services in Los Angeles for quick and hassle-free installation.

Hot Water Recirculation

A lot of water goes to waste when you turn on a shower head or kitchen faucet and wait for the water to get hot. You can avoid this issue by having a water recirculating pump installed. This type of pump can give you hot water almost immediately upon request.

Whether you have a traditional water heater or a tankless model, you can use a hot water recirculator. If you obtain a pump that comes with a timer, you can schedule the device to shut off outside of peak usage. Any unused water will stay in the tank.

WiFi Filtration

If you obtain a whole-house filtration system for your property, you can benefit from WiFi technology that alerts you if a running faucet is detected or a leak has occurred. Once the device is running, you can even turn your water off from any location.

Whether you are considering upgrading some of the fixtures in your home or wish to benefit from a leak detection system, this advanced plumbing technology can help you save money and reduce your home’s water consumption. Call Teamwork Home Services today to explore these services and see if they’re right for your Los Angeles home.



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