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Identifying and Solving Common Drywall Issues

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Drywall Repair

During the home construction process, drywall is a type of material that serves as the base for ceilings and walls. From water damage to large holes, there are many issues that can impact drywall. It’s best to fix these issues immediately to avoid further damage and costlier repairs. The options available to you include patching or replacing the drywall. When you notice any of these drywall issues in your home, call a drywall repair company in Orange City.

Water Damage

Whether water gets into your home through a crack or a burst pipe, the damage can quickly spread to the drywall in your home. In this scenario, you may notice that your ceiling or some other area of drywall has become discolored. Any section of drywall that’s been damaged by water will likely need to be replaced. Water damage to drywall is usually permanent.

If this happens to you, the solution is to request drywall repair services from a local handyman in Orange City. Once they arrive at your home, they’ll likely remove the damaged area with a drywall saw before cutting a new piece that will match the hole. The remainder of the work involves inputting drywall screws, installing a joint compound in the area, and letting the substance dry.

During the final step, your local handyman will sand the compound to obtain a smooth surface. Keep in mind that water damage can also lead to mold growth. In this scenario, you’ll need to request mold remediation services before you have the drywall repaired. Mold spores can cause serious health issues if you don’t eradicate them.


Even high-quality drywall is prone to cracking issues. After a home is constructed, it starts to settle, which can result in the drywall around your ceiling shifting. If a crack appears in the drywall, it needs to be repaired with joint compound, which a handyman in Orange City can apply with ease.

Even though it’s easy to identify and repair drywall cracks, it’s also important that they don’t recur after being repaired. The handyman you hire may install fiberglass drywall tape to provide a long-lasting solution. Eventually, drywall cracks can cause worse damage to your home’s foundation if left untended.

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Drywall Repair

Large Holes

While small holes in drywall can be fixed with some joint compound, larger holes require more comprehensive repair work. Even though the repairs are more substantial, they can still be performed by handyman companies in Orange City. While drywall can be relatively durable, there isn’t a surface behind it, which means that any large hole in the wall or ceiling will be a significant blemish to your home’s interior design.

While there are several techniques that can be used to fix this problem, most handyman companies use a modern method that involves placing a thin aluminum sheet with fiberglass drywall tape over the damaged area. These items are available in most hardware stores and should be able to provide a lasting solution.

Once the sticker backing is peeled off, the panel can be installed across the hole. Your handyman will then apply joint compound to the area, which will need to be sanded before applying some primer and paint. The amount of time it takes to make this repair depends on the extent of the damage.

Termite Damage

You should also be on the lookout for termite damage, which is often difficult to detect in the early stages. The most obvious signs of termite damage include:

  • Hollow sounds when you knock on your wall
  • Baseboards falling apart
  • Small pinholes
  • Bubbling paint

Along with requesting handyman services in Orange City, you can also avoid these issues by obtaining a house inspection on a regular basis. If you believe that there’s a termite infestation in your home, you should get in touch with a pest prevention company to effectively eradicate them.

Once the termites have been removed from your home, you can schedule drywall repair services. The handyman will inspect the damage and give you a price estimate, which should inform you of how much work needs to be done. In most cases, damaged drywall baseboards will be removed and replaced.

Drywall panels are made of lightweight materials that perform well when formed into ceiling panels and interior walls. There are, however, many things that can damage drywall. From water leaks to cracks, any issue that impacts the drywall needs to be fixed immediately to prevent additional damage to your home. Call Teamwork Home Services today to learn more about our drywall repair services.



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