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How Often Should You Clean Your Gutters?

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Gutter Cleaning Frequency

Whenever it rains in Riverside, the water that reaches your roof seeps into your gutters and away from your property. There are times, however, when this water contains small branches, leaves, and dirt. It’s possible for this debris to eventually create blockages in your gutters that can damage your roof. You can keep long-term roof and foundation damage at bay by scheduling local gutter cleaning services. In this guide, you’ll learn about the proper gutter cleaning frequency that all homeowners should follow.

Importance of Cleaning Gutters

Your Riverside, CA gutters are among the most important items you need to maintain. It’s normal to avoid gutter cleaning if an issue isn’t immediately noticeable. Since you can’t see directly into your gutters without standing on a ladder, you might overlook the debris buildup. However, debris invariably accumulates in all gutters over time. By sticking to the right gutter cleaning frequency, you’ll save time and money.

Keep in mind that the presence of leaves and twigs creates the ideal environment for household pests. These pests might carry disease or cause additional damage to your home. The gutter waste that accumulates could contain water that promotes unhealthy mold growth. If you don’t tend to these issues quickly by obtaining gutter cleaning services, roof leaks might occur.

If dirty water continues building up in your gutters, it could overflow. In this scenario, the water usually reaches the foundation and causes more damage. The water that pools into your building’s foundation places more stress on the structure. Over time, the foundation weakens. Scheduling a gutter cleaning in Riverside, CA allows you to avoid these issues and keep repair costs low.

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Best Time of Year to Clean Gutters

The time of year that homeowners commonly clean their gutters is the fall. In this season, the trees start shedding their leaves, which increases the likelihood of gutters requiring cleaning. However, you should also schedule a gutter cleaning during the spring months. In many areas across the U.S., rainfall is prevalent throughout the spring season. Gutter cleaning is also a great way to identify if damage occurs because of a winter storm.

Proper Gutter Cleaning Frequency

You should schedule gutter cleaning services at least twice every year. Try to schedule a cleaning during the spring and another during the fall. If you have a tree near your home, you might need to increase your gutter cleaning frequency. In this scenario, the best option is to obtain a quarterly cleaning.

While you shouldn’t perform these services yourself, you should check your gutters after every hurricane or severe thunderstorm. Even if there aren’t too many leaves or twigs in your gutters, excess water can damage the entire system. The same is true if water builds up when the outside temperatures are at or below freezing. Once your gutter clogs, it’s a good idea to request gutter cleaning from a local handyman. By seeking help from a reliable professional, you should discover how often your gutters need cleaning.

Why You Should Request Gutter Cleaning Services

Many homeowners believe that they can clean their gutters themselves. However, there are numerous things that can go wrong during this process. You could damage your gutters or cause existing issues to worsen. While the upfront cost of hiring a local handyman company might seem high, you’ll save money in the long run. By hiring a professional, you’ll avoid dealing with wet leaves, dirty water, and other gunk.

When you hire a reputable handyman to clean your gutters, you should receive high-quality service. The knowledge that these professionals have allows them to clean your gutters efficiently. They’ll also inform you of any areas that you should address in the near future. For example, they might notice water damage on some of your tiles or shingles.

It’s common for a roof and gutter professional to find other issues while cleaning gutters. If the professional discovers a pest infestation during the cleaning, they’ll provide the necessary fix.

To avoid clogs and other issues, you should follow a gutter cleaning frequency of at least twice every year. With a trustworthy professional on hand, you should avoid further damaging your home while cleaning the gutters. Call Teamwork Home Services today to schedule a gutter cleaning appointment.



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