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How Chimney Inspections Can Save You Money

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Chimney Inspector in Los Angeles

A properly installed and well-maintained chimney can last for anywhere from 50-100 years. You should have your chimney inspected and maintained regularly to keep it in good condition. Along with preventing possible issues, inspections can also save you a substantial sum of money in the long run. As a leading chimney inspector in Los Angeles, Teamwork Home Services not only helps homeowners detect hard-to-see problems, but also contributes to prolonging their chimneys’ lifespan, reducing potential fire risks, keeping unwanted animals out, preventing leaks, and maintaining low heating costs.

Your Chimney Should Last Longer

Your chimney should last longer by obtaining an annual inspection from a chimney inspector in Los Angeles. When a severe storm rolls through or high winds kick up, your chimney may be damaged. If you obtain an inspection, this damage should be identified and repaired, which will help your chimney last longer.

If you don’t tend to an issue immediately, it could require a more expensive repair later on. For example, a small crack in the mortar joints is relatively easy to fix. The handyman you hire should be able to seal the crack by applying a filler substance to the impacted area. If, however, the crack grows, you may need to have the entire mortar joint replaced.

Reduce Potential for Chimney Fires

Scheduling a yearly inspection for your chimney can also help you keep potential fires at bay. Chimney fires are relatively common experiences that occur when creosote builds up along the chimney walls. This substance is highly flammable and is produced whenever you light a fire. If you don’t regularly remove creosote from the chimney walls, there’s a higher chance that you’ll encounter a chimney fire. An in-depth cleaning can get rid of this substance with ease.

Keep in mind that a chimney fire can be either slow-burning or fast-burning, the latter of which is more dangerous but also more obvious. The signs of a fast-burning chimney fire include the following:

  • A hot smell
  • Flames coming out of the top of your chimney
  • A loud popping or cracking sound from the flue
  • Thick smoke from your chimney or fireplace

The signs of a slow-burning fire aren’t as easy to detect. Look for:

  • Smoke coming out of the sides of your chimney
  • Cracks in chimney masonry
  • Creosote pieces or chunks outside of chimney or in fireplace
  • Cracked flue tiles
  • Discolored metallic components
  • Fluffy or ashy creosote
  • Heat damage on vents or shingles nearby chimney

In many cases, you’ll need to obtain an inspection from a handyman company before you can identify a slow-burning fire. If these fires are allowed to spread, they could potentially damage your home, which would cost a lot of money to fix.

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Chimney Inspector in Los Angeles

Detect Hard-to-See Problems

Numerous difficult-to-see problems might require costly repairs if they aren’t spotted during an annual chimney inspection. For example, there may be rusted metal or broken masonry in your fireplace shelf that’s blocking smoke from getting out of your chimney. It’s also possible that blockages or debris are clogging the flue. Chimney liners can become deteriorated or cracked over time. The same is true of flue tiles and mortar.

During the initial installation of the chimney, the fireplace stoves or inserts may have been installed incorrectly. In this scenario, the walls or floors might dry out quickly, which will lead to costly problems. Over time, your chimney could become cracked, which would likely cause leaking.

Keep Animals Out

If animals get into your chimney, they can damage the materials and create hazards in your home. Obtaining an annual chimney inspection means that you can find and remove these animals quickly. Animal habitats can cause blockages in chimneys that make it difficult for the smoke to vent.

Prevent Leaks

If your chimney becomes cracked or falls into disrepair, water may leak into your home. Water leakage can cause additional problems, which include mold growth, cracked bricks, or a cracked crown. If you don’t resolve the source of the leak early on, the damage can be expensive to fix. A chimney inspection allows you to find leaks.

Keep Heating Costs Low

Scheduling an annual inspection also helps you save money by reducing your heating costs. When a chimney and fireplace system is well-maintained, it will run more efficiently, which means that your monthly heating bill shouldn’t be as high.

A chimney inspection once a year can save you a lot of month in the long run. Call Teamwork Home Services today to have one of our chimney inspectors in Los Angeles ensure your chimney’s safety and efficiency.



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